Why Do Primary Care Myths and Misinformations Persist?
As noted previously, all primary care RN, MD, DO, NP, and PA are greatly needed. But the probability of actually being in primary care over a career of contribution is small for new graduates in RN (10%), MD (20%), DO (30%), NP (25%), and PA (25%). Steady departures from primary care are seen for all except the small part of MD and DO that is family physicians. Family physicians are the only remaining primary care result that is relatively permanent but are only 7 – 8% of US MD and Non-Citizen IMG choose FM along with about 16 – 18% of DO and 25% of Caribbean US Origin. The NP and PA primary care effort has stagnated because fewer have remained in primary care. The case can be made that unless more health spending is injected into primary care, the NP, PA, IM, and PD contributions will actually shrink. Family medicine is stagnated by 30 years of no increase in annual graduates from the 1980 level of 3000 per year. One would think that common sense observations would reveal the myt...